تعبير انجليزي ثاني متوسط ف2

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تعبير انجليزي ثاني متوسط ف2

تعبير انجليزي ثاني متوسط ف2​

تعبير انجليزي ثاني متوسط ف2

هناك العديد من الموضوعات التي يمكن استخدامها في تعبير الصف الثاني المتوسط باللغة الإنجليزية. إليك بعض الأفكار:

  1. My favorite season (موسمي المفضل)
  2. A day at the beach (يوم في الشاطئ)
  3. My favorite animal (حيواني المفضل)
  4. My favorite hobby (هوايتي المفضلة)
  5. My family (عائلتي)
  6. My favorite food (طعامي المفضل)
  7. A visit to a zoo (زيارة إلى حديقة حيوانات)
  8. My favorite book (كتابي المفضل)
  9. My favorite movie (فيلمي المفضل)
  10. My best friend (صديقي المفضل)
تأكد من اختيار موضوع يناسب مستوى الصف الثاني المتوسط، ويمكنك استخدام الأفكار المذكورة أعلاه كنقطة انطلاق للتعبير، ولا تنسى استخدام الجمل البسيطة والصفات الأساسية لوصف الموضوع.

وفي هذه الموضوع سوف يكون الموضوع عن My favorite movie (فيلمي المفضل)

My favorite movie​

معايير كتابة المووضوع​

Great choice! Here are some ideas for your essay on "My favorite movie":


Introduce the title of the movie and why it's your favorite.
Briefly describe the plot of the movie and what it's about.
Body Paragraphs:

Describe the main characters in the movie and what makes them interesting to you.
Explain why you like the movie so much. Is it the story, the characters, the music, or something else?
Share your favorite scene from the movie and why it stands out to you.
Discuss how the movie makes you feel when you watch it. Does it make you happy, sad, excited, or something else?

Summarize why the movie is your favorite and why it's so special to you.
Encourage others to watch the movie and experience it for themselves.
Remember to use simple sentences and vocabulary appropriate for your grade level. Also, don't forget to proofread your essay for any errors before submitting it. Good luck!

التعبير الكتابي عن قصة فلم​

Sure! Here's a continuation of the essay on "My favorite movie":

Body Paragraphs:
One of the reasons why "Toy Story" is my favorite movie is because of its interesting characters. The main character, Woody, is a cowboy toy who is the leader of the other toys. He is very loyal to his owner, Andy, and does everything he can to protect the other toys. Buzz Lightyear, on the other hand, is a space ranger toy who is new to Andy's room. He believes that he is a real space ranger and doesn't understand that he is just a toy. Woody and Buzz have a lot of differences, but they learn to work together and become best friends.

Another reason why I love "Toy Story" is because of its heartwarming story. The movie is about the toys coming to life when their owner is not around, but it's also about the toys' fear of being replaced by new toys. Woody is worried that Buzz will replace him as Andy's favorite toy, and Buzz is worried that he will never be able to return to his home planet. The story is about the toys learning to overcome their fears and working together to get back to Andy's room.

My favorite scene in the movie is when Woody and Buzz are stuck at a gas station and have to catch up to Andy's moving truck. They use a toy car and a rocket to catch up to the truck, and it's a very exciting and funny scene. I love this scene because it shows how Woody and Buzz have become friends and are working together to get back to Andy.

In conclusion, "Toy Story" is my favorite movie because of its interesting characters, heartwarming story, and exciting scenes. Whenever I watch the movie, it makes me feel happy and reminds me of the importance of friendship. I would encourage everyone to watch "Toy Story" and experience the joy of this wonderful movie.

مواضيع قد تهمك في بحثك​

المناهج السعودية انجليزي الثاني المتوسط تعبير انجليزي