
  1. ا

    Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and childern

    Our teacher in the college asked us to bring an article about prophet Muhammad peace be upon him I found many many articles and I really really loved this one Enjoy it ----- Muhammad was always very kind to children. Amr ibn Said quoted Anas as saying, "I have never seen anyone act more...
  2. ي

    who Muhammad really is

    من هو محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم ؟ Who is Muhammad (Peace be upon him) من هو محمد الذي يتبعه أكثر من مليار مسلم Who is Muhammad that is followed by more than one billion Muslims? هل هو عالم مبجل ومميز ؟ Is he a venerable scientist? هل هو أمير دولة محبوب ؟ Is he a popular prince...