قواعد انجليزي الصف التاسع الفصل الثاني منهاج الكويت

املي بالله

نائبة المدير العام
قواعد انجليزي الصف التاسع الفصل الثاني منهاج الكويت

Structure - Unit 7

1- Will

Use ( will) to predict the future.

Ex: The weather will get hotter.

Use ( will) for actions that we decide now, at the moment of speaking.

Ex: I'll make some tea.

2- The first conditional

If + present simple, will + infinitive

Will + infinitive if present simple

We sue the first conditional to express actions that possibly happen

Ex: If the tickets are too expensive, we won't be able to go.

He won't go to school if he doesn't feel well.


1. If you study hard, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2. If you play sports, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3. If you sleep early, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4.You …………………… ( be ) overweight if you eat much. (correct )

5.If you don't do your homework, the teacher ………………..( punish ) you. ( correct)

3- Connectors

(after – before – as soon as – when – until )

After : ---------------------------- at a later time.

Ex: After I had seen the film, I read the book.

Before: ---------------------------- at an earlier time.

Ex: It is best to get there at 8 o'clock am, before the crowds of tourists arrive.

As soon as: ---------------------------- immediately.

Ex: As soon as I saw the advertisement, I phoned to book some tickets.

When: ---------------------------- at the time something else happens.

Ex: Can you call me when dinner is ready?

Until: ---------------------------- up to a point in time.

Ex: They played football in the park until it gets dark.


Choose the correct answer:

1.---------------------------- I saw the accidents, I phoned the police.

a. until b. as soon as c. before

2. I did my homework ---------------------------- I had watched the movie.

a. after b. before c. until

3. I won't leave ---------------------------- your father comes.

a. as soon as b. when c. until

4. A: I'll phone you ---------------------------- I get to the station.

a. until b. when c. before

Structure – Unit 8

The second conditional

If + past simple , would + infinitive.

Would + infinitive if past simple

We use the second conditional to express imaginary situations in the present.


1. If you told me a secret, I wouldn't tell anyone.

2. I would do regular exercise if I wanted to get fit.

3. If I had money, I would buy a car.

Exercises: Complete:

1.If I broke my mother's vase, ………………………………………………………………

2.If I were a pilot, ……………………………………………………………………………

3.If I were you, ………………………………………………………………………………

4.If I wanted to lose weight, …………………………………………………………………


1.If I wanted to improve my English language, I ( read) ……………. more English books.

2.I would get high marks, if I ( study )……………………… hard.

Structure – Unit 9

Correct the verbs:

1. The window ( break ) by the ball. …………………………

2. The car can (repair) by the mechanic. …………………………

3. Exams usually (do) at the end of each school semester. …………………………

Do as shown in brackets:

1. They are building a new house. ( Passive )


2.Scientists can predict volcanic eruptions, ………………? ( Tag question )


3.The sun heats the water in the ocean. ( Passive )


Structure – Unit 10

1- Present perfect continuous

Use the present perfect continuous tense to talk about actions that were in progress at a time in the past, and are continuing in the present or have just recently finished.


1) A: Why is he crying?

B: He has just been watching a sad film.

2) A: Where have you been?

B: I have been waiting for you all morning.

3) A: What is she doing?

B: She has been making a cake.

2- Question tags

We use question tag (mini questions) at the end of sentences, to ask for information, to check information or to make a question sound more polite.


1)You are Kuwaiti, aren't you?

2)It's a nice dress, isn't it?

3)He can't drive, can he?

4)We didn't walk to school, did we?

5)The boys have to wear a school uniform, don't they?

Choose the correct answer:

1.They have been to Egypt, --------------------------------------?

a. aren't they b. haven't they c. have they

2. They have been sleeping --------------------------------------2 o'clock.

a. since b. for c. ago

3. You are Kuwaiti, --------------------------------------?

a. are you b. aren't you c. don't you

4. Ali has been studying -------------------------------------- a long time.

a. for b. yet c. since

Correct the verbs between brackets:

1.We ( be ) -------------------------- ready to set off, aren't we?

2.Where have you been? I ( wait) ---------------------- for you all the morning.

3.My father gave me some money, I ( spend) -------------------- it on an adventure book.

4. I wish I ( join) ------------------------ the health club last week.

Do as shown between brackets:

1.I can't go to his party as I don't have an invitation. ( Use: If..)


2. " I went to the beach." said Ali. ( Reported )


3. You can eat sushi chopsticks. ( Passive)


4. I didn't notice the traffic sign. ( Complete )

I wish---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Structure - Unit 11

Reported Speech

*Use reported speech to report what someone says or said.

*In reported speech the verbs change.

Direct speech Reported speech

Present simple: Past simple:

' I always play football on Mondays.' said Ali.

Ali said (that) he always played football on Mondays.

Past simple: Past perfect:

Fatima said ( that) she had gone to Dubai last week.

'Last week I went to Dubai.' said Fatima.

Future: Would:

She said ( that) she would show me the photos from her holiday.

' I'll show you the photos from my holiday,' he said.

( am / is / are ) going to / can: ( was / were ) going to / could:

'We're going to the zoo,' said Zainab. You can come with us.

Zainab said ( that ) they were going to the zoo. She said ( that ) I could come with them.

In reported speech, the pronouns change.

I he / she / it me him / her/ its

We they us them

You we you me / us

In reported speech, (that) can be omitted after (said).

Reported Speech (Questions)

*Remember to change the tenses and the pronouns in reported questions:

1) 'Why are you laughing?'

He asked me why I was laughing.

2) 'What are you going to do after school?'

She wanted to know what I was going to do after school.

In reported ( YES / NO) questions, use asked / wanted to know + • if or whether.

1) ' Did you enjoy the class?'

She asked me if / whether I had enjoyed the class.

She wanted to know if / whether I had enjoyed the class.

2) 'When did you start learning English?'

They wanted to know when we had started learning English.

3) ' Do you have any questions about it?'

They asked her if she had any questions about it.

Choose the correct answer:

1.Rashid has neither gone out ---------------------done his homework.

a. and b. nor c. or

2. Last year, many malls-----------------------

a. build b. built c. were built

3. It's good to be proud of ------------------------ ,my students.

a. yourself b. himself c. yourselves

4.That is the wealthy man --------------------gave a lot of money to charity organizations.

a. whose b. who c. whom

Do as shown in brackets:

1. " I bought a new shirt a few days ago." ( reported )

Salma said---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2." Do you have any questions about it?" (Complete)

He wanted to know-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3. "Where did you go last Monday?" ( complete)

She asked Ali -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Structure – Unit 12

1- IF TYPE (3)

*Use if + past perfect , would have + pp to talk about imaginary situations in the past.


01) IfI had seen the accident, I would have phoned for help.

02) If I hadn't got up so late, I wouldn't have missed the bus.

03) I would have asked you first if I had wanted to borrow your camera.

04) She would have emailed you if she hadn't crashed yesterday.

05) If it had been me, I would have started my homework sooner.

2- Wish + past perfect

* Use I wish + past perfect to talk about past situations that you wish had been different.


01) I wish I had studied more languages at school.

( but I only studied one.)

02) I wish I had known that you were ill. I would have come to see you.

( I didn't know, so I couldn't come to see you)

03) I wish I had brought a map.

04) I wish I had stayed at home.

Choose the correct answer:

1. -------------------------------------------do you get from your new job?

a. How much b. How many c. How often

2. If She hadn't invited me, I -------------------------------------------upset.

a. would feel b. will feel c. would have felt

3. -------------------------------------------I was going to school, I saw a fire.

a. If b. While c. After

4. I didn't have cash money. I didn't have the K-net card, ------------------------------

a. too b. yet c. either

Do as shown between brackets:

1.She didn't study. She didn't pass.

If -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ( Complete )

2.I didn't notice the traffic sign.

I wish --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------( Complete )

3. "Where did you go? "

They asked me-------------------------------------------------------------------------( Complete )

4. You didn't ask me. I didn't help you. ( Join using: If..)

التعديل الأخير بواسطة المشرف:
التاسع الثاني الصف الفصل الكويت انجليزي قواعد منهاج