Believe it or not

As received..

Believe it or not......
1. Total World Population: 6.5 Billion
2. Total Muslims in the world: 2 Billion
3. Total Smokers in the world: 1.15 billion
4. Total Muslim smokers in the world: 400 million
5. Largest Cigarette maker is Phillip Morris
6. Phillip Morris donates 12% profits to Israel
7. Total Muslim money to Morris $800 million DAILY
8. Average profit margin is 10%
9. Average profit for Morris is $80 million DAILY
10. Thus $9.6 million of Muslim money goes to Israel every
single DAY.......
Yes in 1 DAY!!!
E-mail this to all the Muslims you can and don't help funding
the Jews to kill our brothers.
May ALLAH forgive us all.